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Project and Programme Management
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Introducing AA SmartFuel to GAS Petrol Service Stations

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April 12, 2024

GAS had a large IT project on the cards, and needed a partner that would make sure the introduction and integration of the AA SmartFuel programme with GAS would be a success.

A loyalty scheme like AA was going to be a massive boon to GAS. As a growing chain of independent petrol stations, the AA smartfuel scheme was going to be a gamechanger for them - so getting the roll-out right was crucial. Bringing on a team of experts was necessary as the existing GAS team was small and lacked the project management experience required for this complex project.

GAS had a large IT project on the cards, and needed a partner that would make sure the introduction and integration of the AA SmartFuel programme with GAS would be a success.

A loyalty scheme like AA was going to be a massive boon to GAS. As a growing chain of independent petrol stations, the AA smartfuel scheme was going to be a gamechanger for them - so getting the roll-out right was crucial. Bringing on a team of experts was necessary as the existing GAS team was small and lacked the project management experience required for this complex project.


GAS needed heavy-lift project management to ensure the successful coordination, planning and execution of this project. 

Expert360 delivered and managed a team who carried out the project, consisting of extensive planning, testing and development to integrate GAS's existing systems with AA SmartFuel systems, and managing the roll-out across the GAS network nationwide.


With a network of over 130 independent stores, GAS needed a partner who was able to understand the dynamics of the company and execute a smooth rollout across stores with differing requirements and make sure the solution worked for them.

Expert360 were able to help GAS execute on this project and successfully completed the rollout to all stores in the country, setting GAS up for further growth and customer loyalty.

"Putting people first, striving for excellence, helping us win in the market - I think Expert360 exudes these qualities"
Tim Ellis, Managing Director, GAS Petrol Service Stations
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